Version 4.0 Released

One of our biggest release to date.

Record past revision data: In the Revision History tab records of the past SWMS are now accessible and stored for future audits. These are the details of the users and when the SWMS was reviewed, and the workers who have been signed into the SWMS are now shown in the past revision.

Rebranding of simpliSWMS: You may have noticed our new home page at which now shows users who have not signed up with the platform all the key features which take simpliSWMS to another level compared to other platforms. We are confident that these features will help project teams improve how they deliver their SWMS to workers. As part of this update, we have also removed reference to our other application simpliBuild. 

Update of the secondary navigation bar: We have updated the secondary navigation bar menu names to make it easier to understand what each of the tabs/menus represents in simpliSWMS. 

Below are the changes 

Update of the primary navigation bar: We have updated the primary navigation bar menu names to make it easier to understand what each of the menus represents in simpliSWMS. 

Below are the  changes 

SWMS Dashboard update: We have made a massive update to our SWMS dashboard page by introducing a graphical view for SWMS statistics that are clickable. Ou can now narrow down the search filter by clicking on the pie chart to refine the search results.

Monitoring Dashboard update: As per the SWMS dashboard we have updated the monitoring dashboard to have a graphical view.

Ability to unarchive a project: We have received many requests for help from people who have mistakenly archived projects and wish to undo that. We have built a function in the menu tab where you can unarchive a project. Note that unarchiving a project will unarchive all SWMS that are assigned to the project and restart the monitoring activities. Also note that when a project is archived and then unarchived an email is sent out to all the project admins of that project.

PCBU reviewer field moved: We have moved the reviewer field to the end of the SWMS admin page. Our latest survey highlighted that this field was causing confusion even though it was an optional field. By placing this field at the end of the process you can now clearly establish if you require this field.


New Project button: The new project button was out of alignment on the SWMS register page in  mobile view. This has been fixed in this release. 

Raj Lal
Version 3.7 Released

Security update on API: Security at simpliSWMS is one of the key items for us and our customers. We have made multiple improvements keep improving security. In this release, we have made further improvements to the API and login activity. Users can now see their login activity under the My Profile section.

Pausing a SWMS: A new feature has been introduced that allows you to pause a SWMS until a required date. This feature is very useful for PCBU’s who have started on a job and are not required to come back on site until a later date, or if the job has been put on hold. Putting a SWMS on hold can be done from the SWMS menu button. All monitoring or alerts will also be put on hold during this time. In the event you want to “resume” the SWMS earlier you can do this by clicking on the “Resume” Button in the SWMS menu. Detailed instructions can be found here

Free accounts message for revision and monitor function: Free accounts do not have the ability to create revisions or monitor a SWMS. These users will now see a popup message which will allow them to turn on this feature for their organisation. 


Export SWMS details of a project to a CSV file: From the Dashboard screen users will now be able to export all the SWMS details for a selected project to a CSV file.  


Email templates updated: Emails from simpliSWMS now have the email address of the sender included in the body of the email. This will help people understand who has invited them to the SWMS, and they can alternatively reply to the email if they have any questions which will send the email to the sender . 


Design updates to the approval stages for SWMS: We have updated the flow for enterprise accounts during the approval stages. You will be able to see clearly who has and who has not approved the SWMS from the PC side. 


New API to invite workers: As requested we have implemented a new API that enables organisations to invite workers to a SWMS via the API. More detail on this can be found in the API documentation. 


Creating SWMS for a private job (Non-PC appointed job): PCBUs can now use the platform to create SWMS for jobs that do not have a PC appointed. Simply click on the checkbox “Non-PC appointed job” when creating a SWMS. 

Organisation switcher: Users who have moved jobs or are working for multiple companies can now use the platform with one login. We have implemented an organisation switcher in the profile menu bar. Users are now able to change which organisation they are logged in as.


Updating organisation address: We have fixed the confirmation process when updating organisation address . This can now be done by an organisation administrator in the business settings under the admin menu. 

Blue information box: The blue information box on the right-hand side that provides information on what each field means, has been fixed in the mobile view. 

Monitor dashboard showing incorrect date: Some SWMS that had been archived and then un-archived in the monitor dashboard were showing the incorrect created date. This has now been fixed. 

Support button: The email support button located in the profile menu has been updated to allow users to add an attachment when sending a support request. 

Raj Lal
Version 3.5 & 3.6 Released

Unable to resend SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements) to creators: When SWMS are declined by the PC, the PC users were not able to re-send the SWMS to the PCBU creators. This caused an issue in the event users did not receive the email or needed a follow-up. The resend button is now enabled so that users can resend the SWMS at any time. 


English not your first language message: Feedback from the industry was that users were not aware of how they could translate the text of the SWMS to one of the top languages in the industry. Now on selected plans where Text to Voice is enabled the users will get the message below to remind them they can translate the text to voice.  

SWMS reviewed date: On the SWMS summary or the PDF of the SWMS, you will now see a new field called “PC Reviewed Date”. This shows when the SWMS was been reviewed by the PC or reviewing user.

Filter by Principal Contractor (PC): On the main Dashboard and the Monitor Dashboard users now have the option to filter by PC.

Design update on the user fields: The user fields in the previous version were taking up a lot of unnecessary space and were hard to view on a mobile device. We have updated the user interface to show the necessary details in this field and if the user wants to see more they can simply click on the field to do so.

Multiple security updates: At simpliSWMS we treat security with the utmost importance and continually update our servers and security protocols. In this release, we have made several updates and enhancements to increase security. 


Signage Trade: We have added a new trade skill, “Signage”, with suggested content that has been gathered from the industry to help kick start SWMS for Signage scopes of work. 


Remove the “Pay by Card”: There used to be two buttons on the for on the sign-up confirmation page before selecting the type of plan- “Pay by Card” and “Continue”. We have removed the “Pay by Card” button to prevent confusion. 


Date and time field on SWMS: The date and time fields on the SWMS were not aligned with users’ time zones. For example, Western Australia users would see timestamps representing the NSW time zone. This has been fixed. 

Raj Lal
Version 3.3 and 3.4 Released

Security Enhancements. We continue to improve security on the platform and have made several security enhancements in this release.

Upgrade free account to have company logo: Users who are on the free subscription and want the ability to have their own logo on their SWMS can now do so by upgrading their account. To upgrade from the Business settings in the admin section click on the logo to go to the upgrade screen.

Users mistakenly press the active button: Some users have reported that they have mistakenly pressed the active button to activate the SWMS when they were actually trying to decline the SWMS. We have made changes to the design so that now the active button is greyed out when user has entered comments in the comment field to decline the SWMS.

Updates on the special banner: We have made design changes to the special banner to bring existing and new users a pop-up messaging banner to provide details about new subscription specials.

Worker API Update: Improvements to the worker API have been made in this release. More information on the update can be found in the API documentation.


Overdue monitor: The overdue monitor count on the main dashboard included suspended SWMS. We have removed this so that no suspended SWMS are counted towards the monitor overdue count on the dashboard.

SWMS PDF grouping all risk and hazards: The downloadable PDF of the SWMS was grouping all the risks and hazards into one section making it unclear which risk and hazard the control was linked to. We have now implemented each risk and hazard in its own section.

Raj Lal
Version 3.2 Released

Unable to update user details: Some users were not able to update their mobile number, first and last name. We have created a “Manage Account” menu, which can be accessed by clicking the profile icon on the top right hand of the page. Updating details here will also update details on all existing SWMS. 


No default filter on the project page: We have removed the default filter on the project page, and also included a message to inform users if there are any filters turned on. Users can click on the “Clear Filter” button to clear any filters.

Archiving project sends an email notification:  When users archive a project it will now send an email notification to all the project admins and organisation admins advising them that the project has been archived.  


Upgrade paths of free users: We have added the ability for users to upgrade from a free plan to a paid plan. These upgrade buttons can now be found on the Monitor and Worker dashboard pages. 


User access to the “New Project” button: We have removed the restriction on the “New Project” button, allowing any user to be able to create projects. If a normal user creates a new project their access will be set as a project admin for it. 




Release notification message: The release notification number under the profile menu was not showing correctly. This has now been updated. 

Onboarding page continue button: At times users would have to click on the “Continue” button twice to continue to the next page. We have fixed this issue and the “Continue” button now saves and refreshes the page. 

Worker dashboard unknown error: We have fixed the unknown error that users may have received when they had no workers set up in the system and tried to go to the worker page. 

Duplicate mobile numbers with +61: There was an issue where users would be able to register their mobile numbers twice by entering in the number and changing the starting digits to +614 instead of 04. We have updated this so that any numbers that start with +614 is treated as 04 

Users who are in multiple organisations: Users who have signed up multiple times for different businesses are now tagged to the organisation with which they have signed in during that session. 

Error when signing up: Some users experience a time out error when attempting to change from a free plan to a paid plan. We have fixed this issue by extending the session time out so that users will have more time to complete the checkout process. 

Creating SWMS skips to the last HRCW icon: At times, when users create SWMS and have multiple HRCWs for a SWMS it would skip to the last HRCW icon, instead of going to the next one in sequence . This has now been fixed. 

Raj Lal
Version 3.0 and 3.1

Trade skill on summary page: In the summary page of the SWMS we have now included the type of trade skill on which the SWMS has been created.

PCBU Standard plan subscription limits: The SWMS limits have changed for the PCBU standard subscription plans. Any new organisation that signs up to this plan will have the new SWMS limits. 

Worker page audit: On the worker page, there was no logging/audit for a user to revert to. Therefore users would not know who changed, or updated details on this page for a worker (for example, when a user updates the mobile number or name of a worker). Now we have included a worker log button where users can view any changes made. 

SWMS create date on summary page: In the summary page of the SWMS we have now included the create date of when the SWMS was created.

Dashboard update: On the dashboard page any SWMS that are in a draft and have not had a HRCW defined are hidden by default from the results table. Users can still view these SWMS by unchecking the “Show hidden SWMS” box


Unable to filter  SWMS by “PC declined with comments” on the project page: You can now filter SWMS  by “PC declined with comments” on the project page by turning this filter on/off. 

Project page auto scroll to top: When clicking on a expand or collapse button on project of the project page, the user would at times automatically scroll to the top of the page. We have fixed this so users are no longer redirected to the top of the page. 

Worker API update: We have made changes to the worker API. More details of this can be found in the API documentation. 

Error when searching worker: When searching for a worker on the worker page a network error would sometimes appear. This has been fixed. 

Pop up of the upgrade screen on the worker and monitor dashboard: On the worker and monitor dashboard if a user refreshed the page continuously it would quickly bring up an upgrade message box. We have fixed this issue. 

Subcontractor Premium worker dashboard error: Users on the subcontractor premium plan received an error when refreshing the page multiple times. This has now been fixed.  

Dashboard: The draft statistics on the dashboard page now include SWMS which have revision 2 or higher and draft SWMS in progress. 

Raj Lal
Version 2.9 Released


API in creating projects: Projects API was not creating the project in the correct business unit. We have fixed this issue and now projects can be created in the allocated business unit via the API call.  


No emails were getting through when adding a new user via admin: When adding/inviting a new user to the simpliSWMS platform the email function was broken and emails were not being sent. This has now been fixed and emails are correctly being sent/delivered to the users. 


Monitor/Worker dashboard entering backspace issue: When pressing the backspace button on the monitor and worker dashboard it is deleting all the filtered searches leaving the last one. We have fixed this so that the backspace is no longer deleting any filters that may have been selected.  


Monitor dashboard unable to search for worker's project: On the worker dashboard users were not able to search projects that were linked to the worker. The search result only showed up the SWMS results. We have fixed this so that now it will show both the SWMS and project results when a user is searching in this field.  


Filter on worker page: – The user was unable to filter by revision on the worker page. This has now been fixed and users will be able to filter by all revisions for that SWMS on this page.  


PDF Download unable to download any SWMS that have a GIF file attached: With the new PDF service we have found that users who upload a GIF file to their SWMS were not able to download a PDF version of the SWMS. This has now been fixed and users are now able to download SWMS that have GIF files attached.  


Users signing up to a free account were unable to create a project: New users were locked down in the ability to create a new project. This issue has now been resolved and new users who signed up to the platform will be able to create multiple projects.  


Enterprise users missing logo: Some of the enterprise users accounts were missing their company logo in the PDF version of the SWMS. This has now been fixed.  


Unable to re-send invite to workers on SWMS that has been un-archived: Users were getting an error message when trying to resend an invite of a SWMS which was recently un-archived. This issue has now been resolved.  


Unable to filter by PCBU on the dashboard: We have fixed the ability to filter by PCBU name on the main dashboard for simpliSWMS.  


Free accounts upgrading to an enterprise account: Users who are upgrading their free account to an enterprise account were not set as organisation administrators. We have changed this so that the user who upgrades the account will now be automatically set to the organisation administrator.  


Monitor frequency field error with decimal number: When entering in a number with a decimal in the monitor frequency field the page will error out and the user is not be able to proceed to the next step. We have locked this field down to only include whole numbers that are greater than 1 day  

File upload with space and special characters: Files that are uploaded to the platform which have a space or special character in the file name caused an error for the image to be shown correctly. This has been fixed in this release and files with these characters will be renamed and the special characters removed from the file name. 

Unable to go back from assisted mode: Users who choose assisted mode to sign into their SWMS were not able to cancel or go back to the worker dashboard. We have now included a back button on the top of the page so that users are now able to go back.  


Raj Lal
Version 2.8 Released

New PDF (Portable Document Format) services: We have upgraded our PDF service. What does this mean? Users who download a physical copy of the SWMS in PDF will now notice that the SWMS PDF layout has been improved. Footers and headers were added to the PDF, and each HRCW is started on a new page.  


Ability to search archive projects: In the project search filter users will now be able to search projects and SWMS which are archived. A filter “Archive” chip will also be shown at the end of the project/SWMS name to show users which results in their search are archived. 


Ability to un-archive Projects: We have had a lot of support requests from users who would like to un-archive a project which they may have accidentally archived. We have implemented a new feature in this release that will enable users to un-archive projects and all their SWMS. You can find more detail about un-archiving a project here.


Ability to un-archive SWMS: As per the above ability to unarchive projects we have also implemented a feature to un-archive a single SWMS. You can find more detail about un-archiving a SWMS here


Incorrect figures for the overdue dashboard: Incorrect SWMS details were showing when clicking on an overdue SWMS. We have found that any SWMS that were suspended were still being counted to the overdue statistics. This has now been fixed. 


Monitor dashboard searching: By searching with an empty filter on the monitor dashboard, it would give an application error. This has now been fixed 


Warning message when removing trade skill: An unnecessary warning message was displayed when trying to remove a selected trade skill. We have removed this message in this release. 


PDF layout issue for users with long names: Any users with long names would notice an overlap in the PDF if they were to download a physical copy of the SWMS. 


Unable to add in a secondary contractor: PCBU creators of a SWMS were not able to add in a secondary subcontractor to their SWMS. This has been fixed and you will be able to add additional subcontractors to a SWMS. 

Application error when going back to trade skill page: Users who wanted to go back to trade skill page and change their trade skill would get an application error. We have fixed this in this release, and you can now go back to trade skill page and change your selection. 


Date filter on worker page: Unable to filter multiple dates on the worker page has now been fixed. You can now filter multiple dates to help narrow the search results. 


Filtering by the employer on the worker page: Unable to filter multiple employers on the worker page has been fixed in this release. 

Raj Lal
Version 2.7 Released

File Scan: We take security seriously and have implemented file scanning on any files that are uploaded to a SWMS. Files that are found to have a virus or malware will not be added to the SWMS.  

Dashboard Re-Design: We have made few design changes in the main dashboard for simpliSWMS.

  • Titles are colour coded and match the result section

  • Change of colour on the tiles to improve user experience

  • Fixed up the draft count on the dashboard as it was showing SWMS that were archived but still in the draft.

Adding a project admin: Adding a project admin from the project page was slow. We have improved response times on this page, and it now loads much faster and adds the users in the project admin section a lot quicker.  


Overdue Payment Message: Accounts that have overdue payments will now have a popup message to advise that there are outstanding payments for the account. The message will keep popping up at log in until the payment has been updated.  

Mandatory Reviewer Update: We continue to improve this feature. In this release, we have made several changes to help useability, including: 

  • Changed the colour of the review and pending tags  

  • Re-worded the “Reviewed” button to “Review”  

  • Any reviewer is now able to re-resend the SWMS to other reviewers from the SWMS page  

Contact Support Page: We have added a contact support page for users who require support. They will now be able to use the support page to log support tickets. This can be found in the profile menu.

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Unable to filter archived SWMS: Since the last release, some users were experiencing issues filtering SWMS via the archived SWMS filter. This has now been fixed.  


Worker dashboard: Fixed download button issue on the worker dashboard. You can now export worker dashboard details to an external file.  


Warning message on trade skill page: On the trade skill page the title of the message was missing, which has now been updated to indicate the type of warning the system is presenting.  


PC giving feedback to SWMS greater than revision one: Any SWMS that a PC gives feedback on that is greater than revision one would take the PC user back to the previous revision version once they complete the feedback. This has been fixed so that the PC is now taken to the current revision page for all their feedback.  


Filtering by the employer: On the worker page of the SWMS, the filter by the employer was bringing up unnecessary suggestions of employers’ names that the user could select. We have fixed this so that the list only shows the employer who has been selected for that SWMS.  


Project Admin or is an organisation admin: Any organisation administrators who are added as project admins to a project will not be downgraded to a project admin and will remain an organisation administrator unless their roles are changed.  


Unable to filter by archive projects: Fixed issue where users were not able to filter by the archive projects from the project page. Users are now able to select archive projects as a filtered option.  

Raj Lal
Version 2.5 and 2.6 Released

New mail service: We have upgraded our mail service, and the new service provides faster email delivery. Also, important to note that emails will now come from instead of . Please add to your safe list, to ensure emails are delivered to your inbox instead of the junk/spam folder.


Performance enhancement: We have been working hard in the background to improve the user experience. In this release, you will notice load time for the project and worker pages have reduced. These pages are now loading much faster, especially for organisations with 800+ SWMS or 1000+ workers. We will continue to work on improving the performance of the platform. In the next release, we aim to increase the performance on the Main and Monitor Dashboard pages.


SWMS and project chips in the search field. When searching for projects or SWMS in the search field from the project page, you will now see SWMS, Project, and SWMS status in small chips next to the name. So now you’ll be able to see the status of the SWMS/Project while searching.

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Ability to access the menu button of the SWMS from the project page: You will now be able to access the SWMS menu from the project page which lets you archive, suspend, download, and monitor the SWMS without opening the SWMS itself.

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Remove the pop-up: The popup button from the new project page has been removed. This was causing some issues where users were not able to close the pop-up.

Unable to go back from the onboarding page: Users were not able to exit the onboarding page once they started the process. This release lets you exit the onboarding page and come back to it at a later time.

Free PCBU accounts unable to find one-year-old SWMS: Some of the free PCBU accounts were missing SWMS that they’d created over one year ago and were no longer active. PCBU’s can now access these non-active SWMS from the filter menu.

Raj Lal
Version 2.3 and 2.4

SimpliSWMS new pricing: The pricing for new customers has been updated. You can view this pricing on the pricing page. We plan to re-open for new customer signups in August. For existing customers, your pricing will remain the same for another 1.5 years before it will be upgraded to the new pricing.  

Upgrading Free accounts: Users who now go through the checkout and upgrade a free account automatically become the organisation administrators of the platform. They will have the ability to add/remove other users and access the billing and organisation settings.  

Database update: We upgraded our database and the database structure to provide better security and reliability.  

Reminder emails to PCBU: We have updated the email content and added a new email for reminding PCBUs:   

1. If PCBU SWMS is past its due date, the PCBU creators will get a reminder email advising them that SWMS is overdue..   

2. If the PCBU SWMS has been sent to the PC but has not been approved, an email will be sent reminding the PCBU user that they are required to follow up with the PC user to get their SWMS activated.  

Activity Logs: The activity logs in the menu section of the SWMS have been updated to include a more detailed audit trail. For example, users can now see who sent the SWMS to be created, and who declined the SWMS.  

Stripe checkout: We have integrated our payment/checkout pages to use the Stripe checkout. This will enable users to manage and view their billing details in future. We plan to release the billing page in an upcoming release.  


PC supervisors approve feedback: We have fixed the issue where PC Supervisors were not able to approve feedback.  

Unable to see SWMS data: Some of the older SWMS data was missing from the revision page. We have fixed this so that past revision SWMS data is now visible on the revision page.  

Unable to proceed after selecting Risk & Hazards: Some users were experiencing issues when creating SWMS where they were not able to proceed to the controls section after selecting a Risk & Hazards. This issue has now been fixed.  

Any user able to upgrade: In the past, only the first user who signed up to simpliSWMS for their organisation could upgrade from free to a paid subscription. Now any user in the organisation can upgrade their organisation’s subscription.  

Locked down PC had to have the ability to re-submit SWMS: Issue has been fixed where the PC had the ability to re-submit the SWMS when they have declined the SWMS initially. This has been locked down now as the PCBU should only be able to re-submit SWMS once it has been declined.  

Monitor Page crashing: Some large organisations would have noticed their monitor page running slowly at times. We have fixed this issue so all users will have a better experience.

Raj Lal
Version 2.2

New SWMS approval process update: We are continuing to update the new process which is soon to be released to principal contractor accounts which enables organisations to have stage-gate approvals for SWMS. In this release, we have made some changes to your feedback. In this release, any initial or final reviewers who are added to the SWMS after it has been activated are still able to review the SWMS. This will help the project team ensure that new employees who join still need to review SWMS which are already active. 

Ability to search for deactivated workers: Feedback from users is that they want an easier way to search for deactivated workers in the worker search field. Search now supports this. The word “deactivated” will show next to workers’ names to show that they are deactivated. 

Add SWMS ID in the business settings: In the business settings under the admin tab, any business units which are added will now show the “Business Unit ID” as part of the information displayed. 


Monitor dashboard check box: You will now see two checkboxes on the monitor dashboard. “SWMS from my organisation” and “Others” This will help you quickly filter out SWMS that were created by you versus SWMS created by other PCBUs. 

Default tile selected for the dashboard: In the main dashboard, the “Active” Button is now set to default. This will give you a clearer view of your SWMS. 

Update to emails from simpliSWMS part 1: You will notice that emails now have more detail about the SWMS. As an example, the information below will be included on all emails to provide more information about the SWMS in email. Over time we will be updating all the emails to include these details.


Example Email 



Unable to lookup organisations with the ABR lookup: The ABR (Australian Business Registry) API lookup does not support looking up organisations that start with “For, Or, And, Of, Off”. We have made changes to work around this but we are dependant on the ABR to provide a fix for the issue. 

Approval process flow missing feedback warning message: In the new approval process flow we were missing the feedback message which comes up advising the reviewer that there are still outstanding feedbacks that need to be actioned. This has been fixed in this release. 

Remove archive/suspended dashboard and monitoring dashboard update 2: SWMS that are archived/suspended will no longer be included in the statistics of the Dashboard and Monitoring Dashboard 

Decline button warning message missing in the approval process flow: We have updated the button to include a warning message: “Declining this SWMS will decline it on behalf of the whole review team” 

Reject email showing "undefined" for revision and user name: Email has been updated to show the revision number. 

Re-sizing screen on desktop crashing the platform: At times the app crashes or gives an error when resizing the window on a MacBook OS . This was due to the new Mac OS bigSur and has now been fixed. 


Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 2.1

Projects and SWMS that have the same name: Previously when users were searching for a project/SWMS and they had the exact same name it was impossible for the users to distinguish which one was a project and which is a SWMS. Now in the search field you will see (Project) or (SWMS) to the right of the name, to help users identify a project or a SWMS. 


SWMS creator, review, and implementor details automatically created as a worker:  Currently, any new SWMS creators, reviewers, or implementors that sign up to the platform are required to recreate their details again as a worker. With this release, the worker contacts will be automatically created when the user is added or signs up to SWMS. 


Remove archive/suspended dashboard and monitoring dashboard: SWMS that are archive/suspended will no longer show up and be included in the statistics of the Dashboard and Monitoring Dashboard.  


Active licensing limits for PCBU Standard subscription: We have increased the number of active SWMS for a Paid PCBU (Standard license) from 4 active SWMS to 5 active SWMS. See Pricing page for more details. 


Update to emails part 1: We are updating the emails sent from the platform to have a standard set of key information. You will notice that some of the emails have changed to include the details below 

  • Project Name: 

  • SWMS Title:  

  • Principal Contractor (PC):  

  • Subcontractor (PCBU):  

  • Scope of work:  

  • SWMS ID:  

  • Revision #:  

Update message on the Mandatory reviewer module: We have received great feedback from our pilot of the new “mandatory reviewer” module and updated the module with:  

  • Warning message for initial and final reviewers for declining SWMS 

  • Table included to show status of which reviewers are pending in reviewing the SWMS 

  • The initial reviewers missing the notification on the revision tab


Address Lookup: Lookup via Google not working as a result of Google changing their API for fetching the address. There was a 2 hour outage where the automatic address lookup was not working. The issue was identified and fixed within 1 hour. 

Dashboard random crashing: Organisations with a certain HRCW activity selected in their SWMS would sometimes experience a slow response or even the site not responding. This has been fixed in this release. 

Projects not showing up in search: When searching for a project that started with the word “SWMS”  the projects would sometimes not show up in the search list. This has been fixed in this release. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 2.0

Main Dashboard Update: Next time you log in you will see some shiny new features in the dashboard. These are. 

  1. Clicking the top tile buttons on the SWMS dashboard took the user to the project page. We have updated these buttons so that when the user clicks on the buttons now it shows the results on the “SWMS Overview” table on the same page. 

  2. When the HRCW or the top buttons are clicked, the user was unaware of which button they had selected. We now highlight the selected button to show which button is selected.  

  3. The top tile buttons show the results of the HRCW icons as well now. Next time you're on this page click on the tile buttons eg “Active”, “Draft” and you will see the HRCW icons showing the results. 

Raj Lal - Project Demo.gif

Project Page showing the revision number: The project page now has an extra field for the SWMS. You will see the revision number of the SWMS next to the SWMS title on the project page.

Raj Lal -  Rev Num.png

Activity log to show the recent comments: The activity log window has been updated and all the logs are sorted in descending order which means the latest logs are on the top of the window. 


Test projects removed from the monitor dashboard: Any project that has the word "test" in the project name will not be included in the monitor dashboard statistics. 


Suspended SWMS removed from the monitor dashboard: Any SWMS that has been suspended will not be included in the monitor dashboard statistics. 


Sync user script updated for enterprise organisation: The script that syncs users for an enterprise organisation has been updated so that the contact list sync is quicker. 



Unable to update own user update details: Some users were not able to update their mobile number form the “Manage Account” menu. This has been fixed and users are now able to update their user details such as their mobile number. 

Random crashing of Prod site: Organisations with over 1200 SWMS would sometimes experience a slow response or even the site not responding. This has been fixed in this release. 

Issues with API for searching workers: the API for searching and listing workers has been updated. 


Random error when creating SWMS: At times some users received an error when attempting to create SWMS. This random error has been fixed. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.28 & 1.29 Released

Review stage gates for SWMS – We have been continuously making updates to the new feature that will enable you to put review stage gates in place as a PC. As mention in previous updates, this new flow will enable PC organisations to have groups of reviewers for SWMS before it is sent to the final reviewers to make the SWMS active. This feature is currently only turned on for a few of the PC’s subscribers and expected to enable the feature to the rest of the PC organisation in the upcoming releases. Updates to this feature in this release are; 

  • Alert message for final reviewer if pending initial reviewers 

  • Alert message for initial and final reviewers if there is any outstanding feedback before they review the SWMS. 

  • Activity Log has multiple lines of text enabled 


Update to text on the Invite PCBU page:  Some of the help texts have been updated on the invite PCBU page, to help users more in understanding what is required for them to do. Below is the text that has been changed. 

  • Search for PC point of contact(s) = Who are the Principal Contractor (PC) point of contact(s) 

  • Search for PC supervisor(s) = Who are the Principal Contractor (PC) supervisors(s) 

  • Search for SWMS creator(s) = Who are the SWMS PCBU creator(s) 

  • Search for SWMS reviewer(s) = Who are the SWMS PCBU reviewer(s) 

  • Search for SWMS implementor(s) or monitor(s) = Who are the SWMS PCBU implementer(s) / monitor(s)? 

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Feedback message alert on active: The point of contact for the SWMS will now get an alert when they are about to activate the SWMS. The message will let the user know that there is still outstanding feedback that has not been resolved. 


Activity Log has multiple lines of text-enabled: The text in the activity log screen is now capturing multiple lines of text. 

SSO syncing update: Changes to how the single sign-on (SSO) syncing is run for the enterprise organisations have been updated. 


Continue button for desktop users when doing quiz: Desktop users had to scroll down the screen to see the continue button when they are answering the questions for the quiz. Changes made to the quiz section for desktop users so that users would not need to scroll down. 



Fixed HRCW icon: Image for the "Work on or near chemical fuel or refrigerant lines" HRCW icon was not showing correctly. The image has been updated. 


HRCW dashboard: On the dashboard for the HRCW, the bug was found when there are more than 20 SWMS. The user was not able to move to the next page to the 21st SWMS. This is now fixed and the user 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.27 Released

SWMS creator, review, and implementor details automatically created as a worker:  Currently, any new SWMS creator, reviews, and or implementors that sign up to the platform, are required to recreate their details again as a worker. With this release, the worker contacts will be automatically created when the user is added or signs up to SWMS. 


API update to see details of SWMS users: Update to the simpliSWMS API to enable organisations ability to see which users are signed into the SWMS. 


HRCW stats on Dashboard update two: We have made another big update on the dashboard page. Users that have access to the dashboard will see the breakdown of how many HRCWs are used. This can also be filtered down or up by organisation/business unit/project, and or SWMS. By having these statistics, project risks are clearly visible. Users will also now be able to click on an HRCW icon and see any SWMS that have identified for the HRCW which was clicked. 

Prevent suspending an SWMS for a non-active SMWS: We have found that suspending a non-active SWMS caused issues for some users and this release users will not be able to suspend a non-active SWMS moving forward. 


External users are unable to see the monitor tab: Feedback from the users any external PC users were not able to see the monitor tab for the SWMS. In this release, any external users will be able to have view only access to the monitor tab. An email notification will also go out to the external users of any overdue actions or monitors 


Data not being saved when re-editing an SWMS that is in revision: At times we have seen that user's data were not being saved when they are re-editing an SWMS revision. This has now been fixed and any updates will be saved as the user makes the changes. 

Prevent external users from resending emails: External users were able to see the re-send button on the SWMS summary page. This button has been now hidden for the external users as only users with an account are able to resend SWMS email. 


Create button: Project create button fixed, at times users with slower network connection needed to click the button twice.  

Unable to see user details on the summary page: Some users were not able to see the user details in the summary page of the SWMS. Now any users who have access to the SWMS will be able to see all the details relevant for the SWMS.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.26 Released

SWMS registration attachments – From the statics we have gathered, we have noticed the SWMS that have attachments (PDF, pictures, videos ect) at times the workers would miss viewing these attachments. With this update, if there are any missed attachments, they are automatically shown to the worker when the worker clicks on the continue button. (3).gif

Suggested content copy: You will now see a pencil icon next to the suggested content when creating the SWMS. This button will let users edit the commonly used content and create their own content. (Only the content is copied and not any attachments that may have been added will not be copied over) (4).gif

Support utility update: We made some changes to our support utility which will help support our customers quicker.

Workers employer defaulted: When creating a new worker for the SWMS, this function can also be done by the PC not just by the PCBU. Currently, the worker's employer defaults to the organisation to which the person who adds/creates the worker. In this update, the worker field defaults to the PCBU name who created the SWMS regardless of who adds/creates the worker. Users can still change this field if they wish when creating the worker.

Editing SWMS revision the second time: When a user is editing a draft revision for the second time before they send the SWMS to the PC, it did not keep the past updates that the user made. Now regardless of the user sending SWMS to the PC the updates are saved right away.

Review stage gates for SWMS – We have been working hard on another new feature that will enable you to put review stage gates in place as a PC. This new flow will enable PC organisations to have groups of reviewers for SWMS before it is sent to the final reviewers to make the SWMS active. This feature is currently only turned on for a few of the PC’s subscribers and expected to enable the feature to the rest of the PC organisation in the upcoming releases. Updates to this feature in this release are; 

  • The ability for users to resend invitations SWMS to another user. 

  • The summary page on the SWMS now shows the status of all the initial reviewers / final reviewers that have reviewed, and who are still waiting to review the SWMS. 

  • Audit logging enables for when SWMS are reviewed, declined, and activated. 

  • Final reviewers can activate the SWMS without the initial reviewers reviewing the SWMS. 

  • SWMS summary page re-designed to present the new flow information. Now instead of using cards to display the information we have changed it to use tables. Users will find this view/layout much cleaner and easier to follow. 

External PC users access to monitor: Any external PC users who do not have an account can now view the monitor page of the SWMS. It is a view-only access. 

Remove the monitor when SWMS is not active: The monitor tab will only be shown to the users once the SWMS revision 1 has been activated 


SWMS status not updating - After sending SWMS as a PCBU to PC for review in the revision tab, the status was not changed right away. The user had to exit the tab or refresh the page to see the update. Now as soon as the PCBU sends the SWMS the status in the revision tab is changed. No need to refresh the screen or exit the window.  

External users monitor email: Some of the external PC users who do not have an account were getting errors when clicking on the overdue monitor email. This has now been fixed and external users are able to view the monitor tab. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.25 Released

HRCW stats on Dashboard: We have made a big update on the dashboard page. Users that have access to the dashboard will see the breakdown of how many HRCWs are used. This can also be filtered down or up by organisation/business unit/project, and or SWMS. By having these statistics, projects risks are clearly visible.

HRCW Project Dashboard.gif

Notification for monitor action due and/or overdue: An email notification will now be sent when an SWMS monitor action is approaching and/or overdue for monitoring. The reminder email will be sent out two days before the due date, on the day, and every two days after the due date for up to ten days.


Update error message on SWMS creation: Currently while the SWMS is being created and the user is on the "Risks & Hazards" and "Controls" section the error messages are a bit vague if they haven't selected a Risk & Hazard or Control under each option. We have now updated the error message to provide instructions on how to rectify the issue.

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Re-design of the summary page: We have given a fresh new look to the SWMS summary page, making it much easier to read and action events. We will continue to update this page to ensure efficiency for our users.

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Duplicate an archived SWMS: We have listened to your feedback and you can now duplicate SWMS that have been archived. To be able to search/duplicate archived SWMS, you need to select archived SWMS in the filter.

Performance issues on the project page: Organisation’s with more than 700 active SWMS experience a slight delay in loading and refreshing the project. We have improved the performance of the project page, and it now loads much faster for organisations with more than 700 active SWMS.


Revision - summary page: Some of the details on the revision summary page was not updating when the user made changes to the draft SWMS. Users would need to refresh the page or go in and out of the SWMS page for the details to be updated. Now the details will be updated as soon as the change has been made.

Unable to scroll in business unit filter: When trying to select a business unit filter there was no scroll bar on the window. So if an organisation had more than four business units they were not able to select a filter beyond the fourth business unit. This has been fixed.

Archive Issues: Fixed the time it takes to archive large projects. Previously projects with more than 30 SWMS took up to 20secs to archive; now this process is done within seconds.

Removing attachments and editing a revision with attachments update 2: We fixed part of this in the last release, and now we have fixed it for all types of attachments. Previously the page would crash when updating the SWMS content. Now all the associated attachments can be removed without any issues.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.24 Released

Text to voice Update 2: In case you missed the last release, you have all been asking for this. In the building and construction industry, there are a lot of workers whose primary language is not English and not able to read English. They can only be kept safe on-site if they can understand the SWMS before they commence the work. 

It has taken a lot of development, and the platform can now translate SWMS that are sent to workers in the languages below via voice. This will make it one of the (if not the only) SWMS platforms that can translate the text to voice. 

 Below in green are new languages added in this release

·       English (Australian accent) 

·       Arabic 

·       Korean 

·       Mandarin 

·       Vietnamese,

·       Spanish

·       Portuguese

·       Italian

·       Hindi

Text to Voice.gif

Security updates to SMS links: We have improved security on the SMS which are sent to workers.

Monitor Dashboard overdue count: The count for the overdue SWMS in the monitor dashboard and the count of overdue SWMS in the main dashboard had inconsistencies at times. We have fixed this to match the actual count of overdue SWMS.

Free PC users error on summary page: Some of the free PC users who were sent SWMS had errors when clicking on the summary page in the SWMS. This has been fixed and there are no more errors for the free PC users who are sent the SWMS.

Editing revision SWMS with attachments: At times users could not attach a new file to SWMS that already had a file attached and revision created. This has now been fixed and users are able to upload additional files to a revision of a SWMS.


Free users token expired: For the free PC users, once the SWMS was approved the link expires after a certain period of time. We have extended the expiry of the link for free users.

Assisted mode not working link broken: Fixed broken links in assisted mode on SWMS for workers.

Out of page focus when removing an attachment: When removing file attachments from a SWMS the focus would be incorrect and on the user would be directed to the last HRCW. Now when users remove files the focus of the page is left where they removed the file.

Combined feedback pages: The platform had two feedback tabs which opened two different versions of feedback and this was causing confusion. They have now been combined so that both buttons now open the same feedback tab.

Reminder email for overdue monitors: An email notification will now be sent to users when a SWMS is approaching and/or overdue for monitoring. The reminder email will get sent out two days before the due date, on the day, and every two days after the due date up to ten days.

View worker details on past revision: Now users will be able to view the worker details of a past revision of a SWMS. Simply click on the “Revision” tab and select a past revision. You will notice there is now also a worker tab for view access. This helps users easily identify who has signed into what version/revision of a SWMS.

Update formatting to PDF version of SWMS: There has been a big uplift in the presentation and layout of the SWMS PDF. Now when you download a PDF of the SWMS, you will notice a much cleaner layout.

Project Admin’s ability to invite: Project admins now can invite other users on to their project and also give them permission as project admins. To do this click on the three dots -> “Edit Project” next to the right-hand side of the project name on the project page. You will notice at the bottom of the pop-up window there is a field to search for users and give them permission.

admin user invite.gif

Archive large projects: It was taking a while to archive large projects (projects with more than 25 SWMS). We have sped the process up so large projects now only take the same amount of time as a project with a few SWMS. 



Read record for workers: On the latest iPhone when the user scrolls down a little bit the HRCW record was marked as read. This is now fixed, and user needs to scroll to the end of the HRCW content to be marked as read. 

Removing attachments and editing a revision with attachments: When removing certain types of attachments, the page would crash when users update the SWMS content. Now all the associated attachments can be removed without any issues. 

SimpliSWMS logo error when clicked: At times on certain screens clicking on the the simpliSWMS logo would give an error. We have now updated the logo so that users will not get an error. 

Summary Page error: Fixed issues for principle contractor users that do not have an account on simpliSWMS and were getting an error at times when accessing the summary page.  

Kiosk mode missing data: When in kiosk mode the SWMS title and the SWMS ID was not showing up on every page of the SWMS to let the worker know which SWMS they were being inducted into. Now this information will be displayed. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.22 Released

Text to voice: You all been asking for this. In the building and construction industry, there are a lot of workers whose primary language is not English and not able to read English. The workers can only be kept safe on-site if they can understand the SWMS before they commence the work.  

It has taken a lot of development, and the platform can now translate SWMS that are sent to workers in the languages below via voice. This will make it one of the (if not only) SWMS platforms that can translate the text to voice.  

  • English (Australian accent)  

  • Arabic  

  • Korean  

  • Mandarin  

In future releases, we will be releasing new languages.   Below is a video showing how to use this function, when the worker clicks on the SMS or email link for the SWMS.

Text to Voice.gif

Monitor Dashboard update 3: As advised in the last release we will keep building up the monitor dashboard as it is a critical part of the SWMS process. We have introduced new items on the dashboard which are: 

Active SWMS = Total number of active SWMS in your view  

SWMS with current monitoring = Total number of SWMS that have had a monitoring activity completed on them and the set frequency has not expired  

SWMS did not monitor = Total number of active SWMS that have not been monitored and have not reached the set expiration date.  

SWMS with expired monitoring = Total number of active SWMS which exceed the monitoring frequency date.  

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Email notification on overdue SWMS:  Email notifications will now be sent to users when a SWMS is overdue. An overdue SWMS is classified as being not activated by the required by date.  

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Color design Improvements: Across the platform, we have added color banners to the bottom and the background of the page to make it easy to identify the status of the SWMS.  

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Remove the ability to search projects on creating SWMS page: We found the functionality to search projects on the Create SWMS page was confusing users. We have removed this functionality from the page.  

SWMS without notification: You are now able to invite your workers to a SWMS without sending an SMS or email. It will add them to the SWMS and then they can be inducted via the Kiosk mode or even assisted mode.   

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Back button to project page: Users in a SWMS that clicked on the back button of the browser would find themselves taken back to the project page but to the top of the list. If the project was halfway down the list the user would need to scroll back down. To make the user journey more efficient, we have a back button on the SWMS page which will take the user to the project page and focus on the SWMS they just came from.  


Increase visibility on the High-Risk Construction (HRCW) work banner: This banner is now colored orange and focused on so that the user can see which HRCW they are reading SWMS for.  

Pinned top menu and HRCW bar: On the SWMS page, if you had a large amount of data on the SWMS it got difficult to determine which HRCW the user was viewing when scrolling down the page. We have now made the HRCW and top menu bar pinned on top of the page, so when the user scrolls through the SWMS they will always know which HRCW they are looking at.  

Switching HRCW to start from the top: When switching between HRCW icons, the user would need to scroll to the top of the page every time. Now they no longer need to scroll up to the top. Every time a user switches HRCW on the SWMS, it will start from the top and no longer from the same position where you left off from the previous screen icon.  

Incomplete SWMS disable the “Sent for review” button: When the SWMS are incomplete, the “Sent for review” button was still active. We have now disabled (grayed out) the button so that users are not able to press the button until the SWMS is completed.  

Decline button: Currently when users decline a SWMS, it asks for a reason as to why the decline of SWMS was done.      

1. When the user clicks on the "Decline" button a mandatory feedback box will show asking the user to enter in a comment.  

2. The feedback comment will be sent to the PCBU via email.  

3. The feedback comment will be added to the general feedback of the SWMS.  

4. The feedback comment will also be added to the audit log.  

Site-wide word change: A few updates to wordings on the platform have replaced   

“Approved” with “Reviewed”  

“Approval” & “Approve” with “Review”  


Free user's limitation message: When a free user reaches their limit of SWMS a message advising them of this used to pop up frequently. We have reduced the frequency and only show the message on login.  

Non signed up user approval: We have enhanced the ability for users who are sent SWMS to approve even if they do not wish to create an account. These users are now able to view the worker page, provide feedback on the SWMS, and approve feedbacks.  


Edit button on the revision tab: The edit button on the revision tab has been fixed so that it takes the user to the start of editing on the SWMS.  

Prevent logged-in users removing themselves from the invitation creator field: We found logged in users would remove themselves from the creator field and then try to edit the SWMS. This would cause an error with the SWMS. We have now prevented users from removing themselves in this field which will prevent the error.  

Attaching file on a control: After attaching a file the focus of SWMS is moved to the last HRCW.  Now it will stay focused on where the user attached the file.

Free users passing their limit error: Free users would get an error when reaching their SWMS limit and attempting to revision their active SWMS. Now once the limit is reached user will get a pop up message advising of limit has been reached and to archive existing SWMS or to upgrade account. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal