Version 1.22 Released
Text to voice: You all been asking for this. In the building and construction industry, there are a lot of workers whose primary language is not English and not able to read English. The workers can only be kept safe on-site if they can understand the SWMS before they commence the work.
It has taken a lot of development, and the platform can now translate SWMS that are sent to workers in the languages below via voice. This will make it one of the (if not only) SWMS platforms that can translate the text to voice.
English (Australian accent)
In future releases, we will be releasing new languages. Below is a video showing how to use this function, when the worker clicks on the SMS or email link for the SWMS.
Monitor Dashboard update 3: As advised in the last release we will keep building up the monitor dashboard as it is a critical part of the SWMS process. We have introduced new items on the dashboard which are:
Active SWMS = Total number of active SWMS in your view
SWMS with current monitoring = Total number of SWMS that have had a monitoring activity completed on them and the set frequency has not expired
SWMS did not monitor = Total number of active SWMS that have not been monitored and have not reached the set expiration date.
SWMS with expired monitoring = Total number of active SWMS which exceed the monitoring frequency date.
Email notification on overdue SWMS: Email notifications will now be sent to users when a SWMS is overdue. An overdue SWMS is classified as being not activated by the required by date.
Color design Improvements: Across the platform, we have added color banners to the bottom and the background of the page to make it easy to identify the status of the SWMS.
Remove the ability to search projects on creating SWMS page: We found the functionality to search projects on the Create SWMS page was confusing users. We have removed this functionality from the page.
SWMS without notification: You are now able to invite your workers to a SWMS without sending an SMS or email. It will add them to the SWMS and then they can be inducted via the Kiosk mode or even assisted mode.
Back button to project page: Users in a SWMS that clicked on the back button of the browser would find themselves taken back to the project page but to the top of the list. If the project was halfway down the list the user would need to scroll back down. To make the user journey more efficient, we have a back button on the SWMS page which will take the user to the project page and focus on the SWMS they just came from.
Increase visibility on the High-Risk Construction (HRCW) work banner: This banner is now colored orange and focused on so that the user can see which HRCW they are reading SWMS for.
Pinned top menu and HRCW bar: On the SWMS page, if you had a large amount of data on the SWMS it got difficult to determine which HRCW the user was viewing when scrolling down the page. We have now made the HRCW and top menu bar pinned on top of the page, so when the user scrolls through the SWMS they will always know which HRCW they are looking at.
Switching HRCW to start from the top: When switching between HRCW icons, the user would need to scroll to the top of the page every time. Now they no longer need to scroll up to the top. Every time a user switches HRCW on the SWMS, it will start from the top and no longer from the same position where you left off from the previous screen icon.
Incomplete SWMS disable the “Sent for review” button: When the SWMS are incomplete, the “Sent for review” button was still active. We have now disabled (grayed out) the button so that users are not able to press the button until the SWMS is completed.
Decline button: Currently when users decline a SWMS, it asks for a reason as to why the decline of SWMS was done.
1. When the user clicks on the "Decline" button a mandatory feedback box will show asking the user to enter in a comment.
2. The feedback comment will be sent to the PCBU via email.
3. The feedback comment will be added to the general feedback of the SWMS.
4. The feedback comment will also be added to the audit log.
Site-wide word change: A few updates to wordings on the platform have replaced
“Approved” with “Reviewed”
“Approval” & “Approve” with “Review”
Free user's limitation message: When a free user reaches their limit of SWMS a message advising them of this used to pop up frequently. We have reduced the frequency and only show the message on login.
Non signed up user approval: We have enhanced the ability for users who are sent SWMS to approve even if they do not wish to create an account. These users are now able to view the worker page, provide feedback on the SWMS, and approve feedbacks.
Edit button on the revision tab: The edit button on the revision tab has been fixed so that it takes the user to the start of editing on the SWMS.
Prevent logged-in users removing themselves from the invitation creator field: We found logged in users would remove themselves from the creator field and then try to edit the SWMS. This would cause an error with the SWMS. We have now prevented users from removing themselves in this field which will prevent the error.
Attaching file on a control: After attaching a file the focus of SWMS is moved to the last HRCW. Now it will stay focused on where the user attached the file.
Free users passing their limit error: Free users would get an error when reaching their SWMS limit and attempting to revision their active SWMS. Now once the limit is reached user will get a pop up message advising of limit has been reached and to archive existing SWMS or to upgrade account.
Written by Raj Lal