Version 1.21 Released!

Project name pinned when scrolling down: On the project page, if you had a large amount of SWMS per project it got difficult to determine which project the user was viewing when scrolling down the page. We have now made the project name pinned on top of the page, so when the user scrolls through the SWMS they will always know which project they are looking at.

Activity log available for SWMS: Want to know who, when and what was actioned in the past for your SWMS? Now you can, simpli click the “Menu” button inside the SWMS and select “Activity Log”. It will now display when: 

  • SWMS creator published for PC review 

  • PC decline SWMS 

  • PC reviewed 

  • SWMS Suspended 

  • SWMS Archived 

Action button for workers: User feedback was that when clicking on a worker on the worker page they were not able to perform any actions and had to get out of the screen to do so. We have now added the functionality to perform actions (like assisted mode, resend invitation, edit worker, deactivate worker, resolve feedback) inside the “Actions” button on the worker details page. 

Note you can still also perform this on the worker page by clicking on the “+” button 

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Confirmation when deactivating a worker: We have put a confirmation box up when users want to deactivate a worker. This will help if users mistakenly press the deactivate button. 

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Revision tab notification: When PCBU sends revision for approval, there is no notification number “1” on the “Revision” tab (like the feedback tab) to let the user know that the revision is ready for approval. With this release users will now see a notification number “1” whenever there is task pending their action. For example, reviewing a SWMS for the PC 

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Feedback buttons more noticeable: We have made the feedback buttons darker, so that they are more noticeable. Feedback from users was they kept missing the button or were unaware that it was a button to perform feedback. We have also included hover text, so that when users put their mouse over the button it will explain what the button does. 

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Monitor dashboard updated data for the PC and PCBU: We have added more data to be able to filter out PC or PCBU monitoring activities on the monitoring dashboard. And we have lots more exciting features to come for this page  - stay tuned. 

SWMS menu bar and HRCW pinned when scrolling down: Just like the project name being pinned at the top, we have also made the SWMS menu bar and the HRCW pinned at the top of the page when users are viewing the SWMS. 

Removed the revision button from the dashboard: We have removed the revision button from the SWMS dashboard as this data is now combined in the drafts button. 


Revision page “Risk and Hazards” banner not pinned correctly: On some devices we found that the “Risk and Hazards” banner in the revisions page was not pinned to the top correctly. This has now been fixed. 

Monitor dashboard project filter not working: Fixed monitor dashboard so you can now filter by project name. 

Unable to attache files on a revision: Small bug on some SWMS revisions whereby users were not able to attach PNG or JPEG files to their controls on the SWMS. An update has been done to fix this issue. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.20 Released!

Basic formatting keyboard: When providing feedback and comments on a SWMS, you know can format your feedback with features like, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and bullet points. This makes your feedback/comment more easily readable to the other users. 

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Suspended SWMS update 2: It may seem like a simple enhancement update for suspending a SWMS function, but there has been a lot of work has gone into making these updates. Below are the updates on suspending a SWMS functionality 

  • SWMS titles are now showing “Suspended”. 

  • Any SWMS that has another revision in progress which has not been activated is not affected by the suspending function and can be still worked on and reviewed. 

  • Project page status update of the SWMS when it is suspended.  

  • Red banner message to the PC and PCBU advising to create new revision to unsuspend a SWMS. 

  • Able to create revision after suspending a SWMS. 

SSL Increase: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems (server and the browser), preventing outside users from reading and modifying any information transferred, including personal details. 

Worker Induction Page Updates: When a worker is sent a SWMS via SMS/email to be inducted into the SWMS there is little information on the page to tell the worker what is the SWMSID, SWMS title and who sent the SWMS. Now this information is included on the initial confirmation page of the SWMS. Heading of the page includes SWMSID, SWMS Title and who sent the SWMS. 

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Sorting SWMS on the project page by PCBU name: We have changed the project page so that the SWMS are now sorted by the ascending order of PCBU name, and then the Descending order of the SWMS ID.  

Increased validations on user fields: There was no validation done on the mobile and email fields when creating or signing up a user. This led to incomplete mobile numbers and emails being used. Now we have implemented a validation check, which is done before saving the details making sure that mobile numbers and emails meet the minimum requirements. 

Updating SWMS title, activity area and scope of work: In the past, once the SWMS had been activated users were not able to update the SWMS title, activity area, and scope of work. We locked this feature down thinking there was not a need to do this once SWMS were activated. Many users have give feedback  that they would like the ability to update these fields even after the SWMS has been activated. Now this can be done via the “Summary” tab inside the SWMS by clicking the “Edit Summary” button. Note that only the creators of the SWMS have access to update these fields. 

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Title update for Archived SWMS: When a SWMS is now archived, the status inside the SWMS page is changed to Archived in bold writing, letting the users know that the SWMS is archived. We have also inserted date/time the SWMS was archived into the activity log section . 

Confirmation for archiving SWMS: When the SWMS was archived there was no confirmation to the user to type the word “Archive” similar to how it is done when suspending a SWMS on a project. We wanted to have the same function as we found users would archive the SWMS without understanding that once the SWMS has been archived it cannot be undone. Now there is a confirmation box that prompts users to type in the word “Archive” to ensure that they have read the message before they can archive a SWMS.  

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Archiving SWMS warning: Another update to archiving SWMS is when it is archived there is a warning message to advise the user on the number of monitors which are still open or overdue. This will help users to ensure they close out any actions or monitors before archiving a SWMS. 

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“Resolved, Open, Decline” button comments on feedback: In the feedback tab where PC/PCBU sends feedback to each other the buttons “Resolved, Re-Open, Decline, Closed” now has a comment box where the user can comment on performing the action of “Resolved, Re-Open, Decline, Closed”.   

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Activity log to include the full name: The activity log has been updated so that it includes the full name of the user who performed an action like archive, sending SWMS for review, declining SWMS etc. 


Part 1 of monitor summary broken down for PC and PCBU: We are enhancing the monitor dashboard page and have done the first part of breaking down monitor dashboard via the PC and PCBU. Stay tuned as we will be releasing this feature in the next release. 


Add worker button: On some iPhones, we noticed that the “Add worker” button on the worker tab was half missing. This has now been fixed by removing the “export” button which allows the ability to download an export of the workers tab on the mobile. You can still export on the desktop but not on the mobile as we found that users perform this function more on the desktop than mobile. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.19 Released

The team has spent this sprint focusing on enhancing and improving existing features within the platform. The list of changes from today’s release are:

Email Scheduler: With more and more features being released each week we have enhanced the way we are logging and sending emails/notifications to our users. The email scheduler will increase performance and make all the notifications a seamless process. 

Pin Risk & Hazard when scrolling on mobile: When viewing SWMS on the mobile it can be challenging to understand what Risk & Hazards the controls are linked too. Now when scrolling/viewing a SWMS on the mobile the “Risk & Hazard” will always be on top of the page making it easy to link the controls to the Risk & Hazard. 

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Notification for updates and release: Some of our users did not know where to find the release notices/updates to the platform. They were not aware of the new enhancements that are being released each week. Now when a user logs in to simpliSWMS, they will see a notification on the top right next to the profile picture which directs them to the release notices.  

Export worker page and worker details to Excel: We have had requests for this feature and now it’s ready. You will have the ability to download the worker details of your SWMS to an Excel/CSV file. Next time you log in you will notice the export to CSV button on the worker page. 

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Help Icon: Clicking on your profile on the top right hand side you will see a new menu called “Help”. This will now take you to our FAQ for simpliSWMS where you will be able to search for articles to help you in your journey with simpliSWMS. 

Timestamp for worker signing: We have now included the time the SWMS was signed or sent to the worker. 

Red Banners: Users may notice the red banners on some pages. This banner contains information about an incomplete task and what the user must do to fix it. There will also be a link after the message which will take the user to the page so that they can complete the task. Below is an example where the SWMS is missing controls for a Risk and Hazards. 

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Monitor overdue by column: On the monitor dashboard page we have implemented another column called “Overdue by” which will show users how many days the SWMS monitor is already overdue . 

Change “Monitoring frequencies" field to mandatory: This field is now mandatory for users to fill in the number of days between monitorings that they want to set, to ensure sufficient monitoring will be done for the SWMS. 

Disabled and enabled resend buttons: Based on the SWMS status some of the resend buttons will be disabled. This is to ensure that the right email and process is undertaken when resending the emails. As an example, resending email to a “PC Point of Contact” is disabled when the SWMS is still in draft as the “PC Point of Contact” can only view the SWMS when not in draft status. 

Remove WebSocket connection Some pages were coming up with “WebSocket” warnings. We have removed this and users will not see this message anymore. 


SWMS that do not have an action or monitor not coming up on the dashboard: Fixed on the monitor dashboard. SWMS for the "SWMS with overdue monitors" was showing 0 when the SWMS is overdue. Reason for this was that some of the SWMS did not have any monitors or actions but still overall the SWMS was overdue and should show in the monitor dashboard. 

Monitor Dashboard tooltips: Fixed up tool tips wordings and position making it more clear to view. 

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.18 Released

Our first release for FY21 and it’s a big one with a couple of brand-new features are now available.

Worker management screens: You all been waiting for this feature! You now can search for workers and see all their SWMS that they have been registered to

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Ability to suspend a SWMS temporarily: In the event someone is hurt on site it’s essential to ensure we can stop workers from being registered onto the SWMS. Now we have a new feature in the “Menu” called “Suspend SWMS”. The PC/PCBU can now suspend an active SWMS at any time. When an SWMS is suspended, a notification is sent out to all key points of contact on the SWMS (such as Creators, Reviewers, Implementors, PC Points of Contact, and PC Supervisors) letting them know that the SWMS has been suspended and the reasons why. To be able to register workers again on the SWMS, a revision needs to be created and re-submitted to the PC for approval.

Instructions on how to suspend SWMS can be found here

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Ability to export Monitor activities from the Monitor Dashboard and SWMS monitor page: Need data in excel file to be able to create own reports or dashboards? Now you can export to csv file by clicking on the export button.

My Account - Updating own profile details: Users now can update their profile details via the “My Account” in the top right-hand menu bar.

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View all users in a project: We had feedback , that you want to view all users for a project. Now you can filter users by project making it easier to get an overview of who has access to which projects. This is done via the admin page.

Project Page SWMS details in two rows: On the project page you will now notice that the SWMS details are on two lines per row. Top row is PCBU name, bottom row has the SWMS ID and SWMS title, making it easier to locate the PCBU SWMS you are looking for. It is also sorted in alphabetical order via the PCBU name.

Login button on top of the page: The login button for simpliSWMS is now on the top of the page, so mobile users do not have to scroll down the page to locate it.

Ability to resend email: There are times that users may have deleted the email and the only way to resend emails was to contact support. Now you can resend emails via the summary page by clicking on the “Re-send invitation”.

Dashboard tooltips: Another great feedback from our users is that they didn’t know what each of the monitor dashboard icons represented. We have now implemented tooltips for when you hover the mouse over the icons. These display a short description of what each icon represents.

Open actions = Total number of open actions recorded during monitoring of the SWMS and are yet to be closed.

Overdue actions = Total number of actions recorded during monitoring of the SWMS that have passed the due date to be closed.

Closed actions = Total number of actions that have been closed.

Monitors without actions = Total number of SWMS that have had a monitoring activity completed on them where the set frequency has not expired.

Overdue Monitors = Total number of active SWMS which exceed the monitoring frequency.

PCBU search filter on Project Page: A new filter on the project page that can filter SWMS by the PCBU name.


· Access to project users in the admin screen: Switching project users in the admin screen at times crashed the page. We have now fixed this issue and users can switch users in and out as a project admin.

· Overdue Monitors on the Monitors dashboard: Fixed up the issue where it was giving the incorrect count for the overdue monitors.

· Worker page message for non-paid users: Non-paid users using the platform will now get a pop-up message advising them that the worker page is only available for paid subscribers, whereas in the past they were getting an error message.

· Ability to update the summary page in revision: Users can now update/edit the summary page in the revision section. This means users don’t need to exit out of revision in order to edit - they can do it all in the revision section.

Written by Raj Lal

Simpli Build
Version 1.17 Released

Improved Performance on Admin Page: For organisations with a large number of users, the admin page response time has been slow. We have now fixed this and the response time is now faster than ever. You will have the ability to manage your users without the need of waiting for the page to load.

 Monitors Tab update: Another big enhancement is to the monitor’s dashboard screen. You can now click on the tiles to filter the results making the ability to view all the monitors for all your SWMS on one page even better. You can drill down to see which actions are overdue or approaching overdue to be able to ensure it is closed out in a timely manner.

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Monitors page message for non-subscriber users: Organisations who are not subscribed to simpliSWMS will get a message advising them that in order to view this feature they are required to sign up to the platform when simpliSWMS signups open back up again. Currently, users are getting an error message with no direction.

Extension of email links expiry: Feedback from the industry is that  users require a longer time to click on the signup email which is sent to them. Currently, if the user does not click on the link within 7 days the link is expired. We have now extended the expiry, giving them more time to action the email.

Rename of the Monitor dashboard page: We have re-named the monitor dashboard page to Monitors.


  • Error in resending email for approval to POC: Fixed the issue with resending emails to POC. POC are now able to get SWMS approvals resent to them if they have lost the email.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.16 Released

In this release:

Archiving Projects: This is a big enhancement that is finally here. Currently, we have the ability to archive a SWMS, but not able to archive a project. We want the ability to archive a project so this can be done when a project has been finished. This will also remove the project from the default view on the Projects screen. You can now archive projects. Before a project can be an archive, due note that once a project is an archive you will not be able to unarchive the project. You still can few the archive project and its SWMS but no future changes can be made. To archive, a project follow these steps

Worker tab updates: In the past, you were not able to set up your workers without sending an SMS/Email. Now you can pre-setup your workers by adding them into your contact list. When you're ready to send the SWMS you can select the worker and send SMS/Email. Also on the same screen you can now identify which one of your workers are apprentice by checking the box.

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Business Unit Filter on the Project Page: Currently on the project page you will see all your projects for all your business units. Now by default, your main business unit will be filtered and you also can filter business units making it easier to see all your projects per business unit. To access this, on your project page click on the filter and then select “Filter by business units”

SWMS approve without subscription: Any SWMS approver who does not have a simpliSWMS subscription are now able to view the worker tab and its details. This is view access so no changes or updates can be done. However, the approver now can view who has signed or is still pending to sign the SWMS.

Mobile Login: We have extended the login session on mobile devices, so when you come back to the simpliSWMS page your session will still be logged in.

SWMS monitor page: Monitor page updated with the feedback from customers. Change “total actions” to “Open actions”. You can now see the description fo the menu bars for each monitor, so no need to open each monitor to view what the action is about. Also on the far right, you will now notice the status of each monitor. Keep watching this space as plenty more to come

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  • PCBU and to PC Feedback: We have fixed the count number for PCBU to PC feedback which used to come back every time a user refreshes the page.

  • Apple users: Apple users would have noticed that some times they need to press the continue button twice when completing their SWMS. This has now been resolved and users no longer need to press the button twice to continue.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.15 Released!

The development team here at SimpliBuild has a list of enhancement/feedback request from user. As you can image that list has grown quite large and there’s been a huge amount of usability improvements that we’ve really wanted to do. Well we’ve spent the last two weeks going through, prioritising and fixing a bunch of these improvements that were top on the list. Keep the feedbacks coming.

In this release:

  • Worker Tab enhancements Mobile: For the mobile view on the worker tab users found it confusing to all the way scroll right to press the “+” button. We have moved the “+” and also the “Current revision Status” button/fields to the left of the screen making it easy for the user to resend invite, edit worker details, deactivate ect.

  • Worker Tab enhancement Desktop: For the desktop, users who have a smaller screen will now notice the “+” button is a floating button so that you no longer need to scroll to the far left to see the “+” button. We also removed the initials icon to provide more space for the user on the table.

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  • Dashboard tool tips: Feedback from users was that they didn’t know what each of the dashboard icon represented. Now there is a tool tip shown to the users when they hover their mouse over the icons on the dashboard. Thus providing a short description to the user on what each of the icons represents. We also rename the title of the icons

    • Open projects has been removed

    • Active SWMS = "SWMS that are already implemented by the PCBU. These SWMS are able to be monitored and workers are able to be invited to the SWMS for induction"

    • For PC review SWMS change to SWMS Awaiting Review = "SWMS that have been completed by the PCBU but are yet be reviewed and made active by the PC"

    • Draft SWMS change to SWMS in Draft = "SWMS that are currently in draft and are within the required by date"

    • PC declined SWMS = "SWMS which have been reviewed by the Principal Contractor and declined. The PCBU will need to make some changes to the SWMS. The SWMS should be revised to include the Principle Contractor’s comments and resubmitted once ready”

    • Overdue SWMS change to SWMS that are overdue = "SWMS that have gone past the required by date of submittal and are now overdue"

    • New icon introduced SWMS with Monitors overdue = " SWMS that are active, have a monitor frequency outlined and the monitoring activity is past the due date"

    • New icon introduced Active SWMS with Revisions in Draft = “A revision of an active SWMS has been started and is being re-drafted (e.g. due to a change in the scope of work) and is yet to be submitted to the PC for review"

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  • Dashboard remove "test" projects data: We understand that you have test projects in your organisations and these should not be displayed in the overall statistic. Now any projects that have the work “test” will not be shown in the dashboard.

  • Searching PCBU starting with "OF": When search for a PCBU where the name started with “Of” the system was returning the full list of results. This has now been fixed and full results are now shown with the ABN lookup.

  • Monitor Page: The first cut of the monitor page where you can see all you monitor actions for a project in one page. We will be continuing to update this page with more and more enhancements to make monitoring much more simple.


  • Banner to advise user the SWMS is not complete now showing for PC: the “some content is still missing and will need to be added prior to review” This banner should only be visible to the creators and admin users. Banner was showing for view only users as well. This has now been fixed.

  • Dashboard crashing: Organisations that had over 50 projects were seeing intermittent issues with dashboard. We have fixed this issue and these users will not see the drop outs on the dashboard any more.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.14 Released!

Full swing ahead and bringing some big highly requested changes to SWMS.

  • SWMS notification to newly added user. At times the original creator of the SWMS is no longer on the project and wants to add another user to the SWMS who can edit and manage SWMS. Now you can add the users and new users will be assigned to your organisation and have the ability to edit the SWMS which they have been added on.

  • Feedback UI Update. Buttons are now more noticeable and updates on the button names of the buttons to make it more meaning full. Pressing the keyboard enter key on the chat box will now send the message, so you no longer need to click on the send button with the mouse.

    “PCBU” changed to “YOUR TEAM”

    “PC” changed to “PRINCIPAL CONTRACTOR”

    “GENERAL FEEDBACK” changed “Chat with your Team”

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  • Check box for how the SWMS be implemented, monitor and reviewed. No more need to type in how your SWMS will be implemented, monitored and reviewed. Now you can selected from the list on options enabling a quick an easy selection.

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  • Expand/Collapse Monitor cards. Monitor section of the SWMS has had an uplift in the design. No more scrolling through, now each monitor are cards which enables you to quickly view the list of monitors on your project and expand for more details. Soooo cool.

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  • Create SWMS" hide/show based on permissions Now if you do not have the access to create SWMS and are just a reviewer you will not see the create button.

  • Organisation admin of parent Organisation should be able to set Project Admin for second linked business unit. Now the organisation admin has the ability to set project admin access for other business units

  • Security update Security updates done, to continually update the security of the platform.

  • General & In-line feedback user icon update. With new colour and icons scheme, it is now much simple to see where the and how made the feedbacks

  • HRCW for TAS & NT. Yes now TAS and NT can use simpliSWMS on their project. Welcome onboard TAS and NT. (We didn’t forget you)

  • Incomplete SWMS - on screen notification banner A few support calls came through about users not know if their SWMS had been completed or still needing to be updated, it was hard to distinguish. Now there is a red banner on top advising if SWMS not complete and user is able to click on the banner to take them directly to updating and completing the SWMS.

  • Create SWMS button hidden - Button is only shown if the user has permission to create SWMS for the project.

  • Organisation admin able to set business unit admins - Top level admin’s of parent organisation is now able to set Project Admin for child business unit.

  • Design and UI updates to Feedback screen - A fresh new look for the feedback screen, to make it more seamless to received and provide feedback, also has a activity Log screen now.

  • Increase in text size of top buttons and button highlights - You can no easy see which button is clicked with the button highlight now active when a top menu button is clicked.

  • Review and Declined buttons combined- Feedback from the industry was that having two bottons got confusing for the users. We have now combined the buttons under “Reviewed" button. User clicks this button and has the option to “Decline” or “Activate” SWMS.

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  • No more auto sorting on custom controls - When custom controls were created the system used to sort them in alphabetical order. Feedback from the industry provided that the custom controls are to be kept in the order to which they are created in.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the ability to search recently added user without refreshing

  • Fixed the ability to search a SWMS in draft status with short code

  • Error message is shown along with the upgrade dialogue

  • Resolve in-line feedback when PC POC is also a SWMS Creator

  • Able to now press the home/end key on the autocomplete box

  • Fixed autosearch box, no longer empty tile with no details

  • Able to Resolve in-line feedback when PC POC is also a SWMS Creator

  • Able to delete user. After adding new users while creating or edit swms, user was not able to delete the added user which has been created.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal
Version 1.13 Released!

Back in full swing and bringing some big highly requested changes to SWMS.

  • Duplicating a SWMS now duplicates any attachments
    This has been requested a number of times. If you’ve got a SWMS with photos, documents or information attached and wish to copy it for another job. Those attachments will now also copy across to the new SWMS.

  • In-Line feedback
    You’ve been asking for a new way to provide feedback and comments and we’ve finally released a completely new feedback design. Each element of a SWMS may now be commented on and resolved individually.

  • When searching for your trade skill, they will now be displayed with with the parent level open rather than needing.

  • Deactivated workers will no longer be displayed as unsigned workers in the project screen

  • General Monitor Screen UI changes

  • Free users who visit the Monitor and Revision tab will now be presented with upgrade options

  • Adding an attachment to a control is much easier. The list of controls is now displayed and can be selected. Previously would need to search for the control.

  • When creating a revision, upon completion the screen now correctly navigates to an option to send the revision for review.

  • An organisation admin of a parent company can now update the business logo for all business units

  • Now able to search by SWMS code on the project screen

Bug Fixes

  • A second Creator added by a PCBU was sometimes unable to activate or send SWMS for review. This has now been fixed

  • Resolved an issue where the comment box didn’t clear when going between different worker feedback

  • Fixed an issue where company logo was only displayed to Organisation Admins. This has been correctly fixed to display to all users

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.12 released!

A number of changes and improvements have been released as part of 1.12.

Most importantly, the application now has content for 3 new states!

Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), and Victoria (VIC) can now create SWMS using SimpliSWMS.

Other Changes

  • On screen modals (Popups) should now default to having the first text field selected

  • Notification messags have been moved to the bottom left of the screen

  • When an organisation has multiple business units, and workers are added to one business unit. They’re now available for searching and adding across all business units.

  • The worker tab has been redesigned. The old layout caused some confusion.

  • SWMS details such as ID, project name, status and revision are now displayed while creating/editing the SWMS.

  • Information/Guide banners are now displayed throughout the SWMS creation process to help first time users or those needing a refresher.

  • When a user provides feedback, this can now be viewed and resolved. If a new revision is required, this can be indicated and feedback is displayed on the revision screen.
    This keeps in line with legislation.

  • The PC can add additional SWMS creators on active SWMS. This is particularly helpful if the existing creator is not available.

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.11 Released!

The development team here at SimpliBuild has a backlog of every request and every small change and improvement that has ever been mentioned or identified. As you can image that list has grown quite large and there’s been a huge amount of useability improvements that we’ve really wanted to do.
Well we’ve spent the last two weeks going through, prioritising and fixing a bunch of these improvements.

In this release:

  • When adding a new business, you’ve always been able to search by name or ABN, however the text box previously only stated that it was possible to search by ABN. We’ve updated this to “Search business name or abn number”.

  • Updated the Feedback tab to show a revision number as “Rev 1” “Rev 2” rather than just the number.

  • Ability to upload your business logo within the settings for each different Business Unit within your business.

  • Updated some SWMS content to expand acronyms that may not be well known. eg SL—> Scissor Lift

  • First time users now have information and step by step guides on how to get started with the first SWMS.

  • Blue information boxes on the SWMS creation screens now only display as each field is selected. This helps prevent an overwhelming block of information from being bombarded at you.

  • Made a number of UI improvements and tweaks to Kiosk mode

  • Trade skill selection now shows information for all users to help understand why you’re selecting a trade skill.

  • Changed Assisted mode so that it opens in the same tab rather than a new tab as a recent iOS update has disabled new tabs in the Safari browser

  • Monitor Review frequency now defaults as empty rather than zero

  • When inviting a new Org Admin user, the organisation will default to your primary organisation. This was previously blank and needed to be selected.

  • When adding a custom Activity/Risk or Control, the text field is now automatically selected and ready for typing rather than needing to select it.

  • When creating a new SWMS revision, you’ll go straight to the edit screen without the need to select edit.


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a ‘profile placeholder’ screen is displayed instead of the SWMS application

  • It was possible to set the due date on a SWMS to ‘yesterday’. This caused an error and has now been fixed

  • As a PCBU, when editing a draft SWMS and adding a new Point of Contact, the new point of contact was not adding correctly.

  • While editing a business unit on a SWMS, the floating label incorrectly showed “subcontractor company search” rather than “Search Business unit”

  • Clicking “edit project” as a project admin would throw an error. This has now been fixed, and project admins have access to edit projects.

  • Fixed an issue where pressing the save button on a file upload prior to the file finishing being uploaded caused an error and file to be lost

  • Fixed an issue where names weren’t correctly being pulled through when signing in using Office365.

  • Fixed an issue where pressing the save button in the admin screen threw an error if there was no business logo set.

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.10 Released!

Our first release of 2020 and a couple of brand new features are now available.

  • Self Serve Kiosk Mode
    For any project you can select “kiosk mode” which will enter the screen into a self service mode. This is perfect for shared iPads or Tablets that you have around the project site.

    Once the device has been entered into Kiosk mode, the functionality will be restricted. Anyone attending site who needs to review and sign the SWMS can walk up to the device, select their company and review and sign the SWMS.

  • Upload custom business logo
    Users on enterprise plans will be able to upload their business logo. This will be displayed to other users of the site, and displayed on any printed material.

  • All PCBUs are now able to create multiple business units regardless of your licence. This can be achieved via the Admin section

Bug Fixes

  • Filenames will now download using the same name as they were uploaded.

  • If the device you’re using loses internet connectivity a meaningful error message is now displayed informing you of the reason for the error.

  • Fixed an issue when creating a SWMS, selecting Yes to the “Are there any additional secondary subcontractors” and then reverting that selection to No prevented you to progress further

  • Fixed an issue visibility of users between business units

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.9 Released!

1.9 is a small and final release before the Christmas break. 2019 has been an amazing year, taking the SimpliSWMS product from nothing to where it is today in the space of 6 months. We’re all looking forward to 2020 and seeing what we can achieve.

I hope like us, you’re getting some time off work to relax, see family and enjoy yourselves. We’ll see you in 2020.

Release Notes

  • Kiosk Registration has been renamed to Assisted Registration. Functionality remains the same in that you can select a worker and pass the mobile device to them for the purpose of reviewing and signing the SWMS
    This is in preparation for a full Kiosk mode that will available early in the new year

  • PCBUs can now choose which ABN they’d like to use when creating a SWMS. ABNs can be set up in the Business Settings tab under Admin.
    This has been a highly requested feature and allows a PCBU to sign up and view all SWMS in the one place, regardless of business entities that may be used.

Bug Fixed

  • Fixed email images for Gsuite (Google) users

  • Fixed an issue where users were taken to a blank page with the words ‘profile placeholder’

  • Fixed some wording on some of the message prompts

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.8 Release!

It’s getting close to Christmas, and here at SimplBuild we’re pushing to get a number of changes out before the new year. Version 1.8 has been released today and will be 2nd last release of the year. It includes a couple of highly requested features.

There will be one more minor release before Christmas, which will expand the functionality around using multiple ABNs.

  • Multiple ABNs and Business Units
    You can now set up multiple ABNs under the Business settings under the Admin pages. When creating projects, an option to choose a different business unit and ABN is available. Any SWMS created under the project will show the chosen Business Unit and ABN.
    Additional functionality particularly useful for PCBUs to choose their ABN when creating a SWMS will be released prior to Christmas.

  • PCs can resend invitations to workers
    Currently only PCBUs can resend invitations to their workers. PC’s with access to the SWMS can also resend the invitation.
    This is useful in the case where a worker has turned up to site but hasn’t reviewed the SWMS.

  • Lookup/Search improvements
    Improvements in the search capability when looking up names throughout the platform.

  • Removed “Business Settings” button from the menu for users who don’t have access to the business settings.

Bug Fixes

  • Required By Date validation changes
    When a SWMS was updated, the “required by date” would show an error if the date had expired forcing you to move the required by date to a future date.
    The Required by date will now only throw an error if the date is earlier than the day the SWMS was created.

  • Fixed validation issues when adding secondary subcontractors to a SWMS

  • Fixed an issue where attachments wouldn’t load when a PCBU sends a SWMS for approval to a PC that does not have a login to the system

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.7 Released!

The team have spent this sprint focusing on enhancing and improving existing features within the platform. The list of changes from todays release are:


  • You can now update your business details such as address, name & ABN. This can be done via the Admin —> Business Settings section

  • When creating a SWMS, trade skills are now searchable and will filter available options

  • Word Documents can now be uploaded as SWMS attachments

  • When a worker is reviewing a SWMS, any documents they have viewed will change colour. This assists the worker in identifying what they have and have not already seen.

  • When submitting information or completing a form within the platform, any errors or required fields are now highlighted and the page is moved to their location. Previously any errors when completing a screen were not appropriately highlighted to the user.

  • The User profile drop down menu has been refreshed and now provides additional information to the user.

  • SWMS attachments have been added to the PDF printout. Any images that have been attached will render and be printed on the document

  • When a worker provides feedback, they will be navigated back to the SWMS so they can continue to complete it if they wish.

  • “Add new Revision” option has been added to the Menu button

  • Users completing a monitor session will now automatically be added as attendees so they do not need to add their own name each time.

  • A number of field name changes have occured to better clarify the expectation of the field and better align with wording throughout the platform and legislation.

  • Improvements have been made to PCBU search functionality. Search functionality will now search either ABN, Trading Name or Preferred Name.

  • Additional content has been added to the commonly used content

  • Live chat (intercom) icon will no longer be visible on mobile devices to maximum the use of available screen realestate.

  • Project Screen Navigation changes-

    • Selecting the signed status will take you to the Worker tab

    • Selecting the Revisions status will take you to the revisions tab

    • Selecting elsewhere will take you to the usual summary screen.


  • Issue fixed where deleting previously entered monitor review frequency and saving the SWMS would result in an error

  • Archived SWMS were missing options to view Workers and Monitors. These menus have been added

  • Fixed issue where system generated message in feedback was duplicated

  • Fixed issue where projects couldn’t be removed from project admins

  • A few help icons that did not actually provide help have been removed.

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.6 Released!

This release includes a number of new functions, however one of the larger pieces of work was retrofitting the site to support basic functionality on Internet explorer.

Internet explorer is Microsoft Windows previous default browser, however it no longer receives full support from Microsoft. It has number of security issues, limited support and is no longer Windows default brower. Our site will now allow some functionality to work in IE, but for your own general internet security we highly recommend you move to a newer browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge and if not for your own security, then for the sanity of our developers.

Here is the full 1.6 list of changes:

  • Archive a SWMS.
    This functionality is designed to be used when a SWMS is no longer in use. Once archived you will no longer be able to send the SWMS to workers, make revisions, or perform monitoring tasks.
    Archiving will stop the SWMS from showing in the project screen, so it’s a great way to clear out old SWMS.
    Archived SWMS will always be available within the platform to view historically. To show archived swms set the appropriate filter on the project screen.

  • Attachments within SWMS
    When creating a SWMS, attachments can now be added to both the Risks & Hazards, and the Controls sections.
    These attachments will be available to workers who are signing the SWMS as well as anyone else reviewing the SWMS.
    Attachments may be images, videos or PDFs that would help highlight the particular controls or risks

  • Kiosk registration mode
    This is functionality for a shared mobile device, for workers don’t have a smartphone or don’t wish to user their own device. Any logged in user with access to the SWMS can put the device into “kiosk mode”, and pass the device to a worker to complete their registration.

  • Support for Internet Explorer
    Authentication, login, signup, email verification, password reset now work on IE. Some SWMS functionality also works on IE.
    This will resolve issues for users who’s default browser is IE and have email links launch the website in IE only to display a blank page.

  • Intercom live chat is available throughout the site
    You may get in contact with our support team while using the application on a desktop browser using the chat icon in the bottom left of the screen.

  • Dashboard drill down
    Tiles within the dashboard are now clickable and will take you through to the list of SWMS corresponding to the selected dashboard item.

  • 24 new Quiz images

  • Filters are now persistent
    Filters added to the project screen will now stay active even when navigation moves away from and returns to the project screen

  • PCs can now sign up with a credit card as part of the onboarding process
    Previously a PC would need to contact support to create a new account, an account can now be created in the same manner as a PCBU.
    Enterprise licencing still requires contact with support.

  • Review frequency field added (optional).
    This is the length of time identified in the PC or PCBU’s WHS Management Plan as being the maximum time allowed between formal monitoring activities. This will set reminders to the associated stakeholders and remind them to coordinate a monitoring activity.
    The monitoring dashboard will now highlight if this is overdue, or how many days left until breached.

  • Names of workers who participated in the SWMS field added on SWMS creation (optional)

    Names of workers or HSE reps who have assisted the SWMS Creator during the development of the SWMS can now be added. This is to show that workers or their representitives have been actively included in the SWMS creation.

  • Secondary PCBU’s field added on SWMS creation

    This is to acknowledge that there may be other PCBU’s required to assist with completing the HRCW. This identifies additional known stakeholders who will implement the controls in this SWMS.

  • Renamed content

    • “Suggested content” has been changed to “Commonly used”

    • PCBU field now renamed with more helpful “Filter by person conducting business or undertaking (PCBU)”

  • Numbers displayed when selecting controls to be monitored are now red circles, like universal notification icons rather than a black circle.

Bug Fixes

  • A review email to a PC for a new revision of an existing SWMS did not directly send the user to the new revision.

  • The SWMS review date was showing incorrectly, it showed as UTC instead of the local time.

  • The worker activity log did not correctly show the first worker invitation.

  • On firefox browser, the continue button for the last HRCW in the SWMS did not display correctly or was missing

  • Some minor text changes to email templates

  • When a worker is reviewing a SWMS, sometimes the continue button was not visible.

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.5 Released!

Two highly requested features are now available as part of this release. Monitoring and revisions are now available.

  • Monitor a SWMS

    • You can now monitor an active SWMS within the platform.

    • Select controls from the SWMS you’re monitoring, add any comments, the attendees and photos you’d like to attach from the inspection.

    • If an action needs to be taken as part of the monitor, an action can be created and assigned to one or more people. Photos can be uploaded as part of the action to highlight any issue and will be available to the individuals listed in the action.

    • Once an action has been completed it can be closed off.

    • A new monitor tab has been added to the SWMS, from here you can see all previous monitors, any actions and whether they’re open or outstanding. A summary is available at the top of the screen for quick identification of outstanding actions.

  • Revisions

    • A new revision of an active SWMS can now be created by the SWMS creator. Creating a new revision will not impact a current active revision until the new revision is approved and activated. The current active revision will be achrived as “Old Revision”

    • A new revision can be sent to workers who have previously signed the SWMS. Differences between the new revision and previous revision will be highlighted to the work so they can quickly identify the changes.

    • A worker who has previously not signed the SWMS will always receive the latest currently active revision.

    • A new Revisions tab has been added to the SWMS menu. Here all past, active and draft revisions can be viewed.

    • The worker screen has been updated to show the latest signed revision, as well as the status of their currently signed version.

    • The Feedback/Chat functionality has been updated to break up the conversation between revisions for auditing purposes.

    • All summary screens and PDF’s have been updated to show the current revision.

  •  Added the ability to specify how a SWMS is going to be implemented, monitored and reviewed when creating a SWMS.

  • Feedback/chat functionality on the SWMS is now available once a SWMS is active. This allows for post SWMS communication where a new revision or changes are required.


Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.4 Released!

This week is a big release with some bloody big features and fundamental under the hood improvements.

  • Downloadable SWMS PDF for all SWMS status

    • A SWMS can now be downloaded regardless of the status

    • If a SWMS is not yet active, the PDF will display the draft water mark covering

    • The status has been added to the summary section under the PDF

  • Duplicate a SWMS

    • When creating a new SWMS, a duplicate option is now available on the HRCW screen. This will bring up a list of existing SWMS that can be copied.

    • SWMS can be from any project in the platform

    • A search and filter box is available to assist with finding the relevant SWMS to copy

    • Once a SWMS is selected for duplication, all HRCW, Activities, Risks, and controls will be brought across.

    • The SMWS and copied content must still be reviewed prior to sending or completing this SWMS.

  • Dashboard

    • A new dashboard screen has been added to the application.

    • This is available only on certain licences.

    • The dashboard screen includes a snapshot of "Open Projects", "Draft SWMS", "PC Declined SWMS", "SWMS For PC Review ", "Overdue SWMS", and "Active SWMS"

    • A project Overview table shows key information displayed about each project such as the outstanding worker status, and the number of overdue SWMS.

  • Massive improvements to PCBU lookup (Principle Contractor Licence)

    • When searching PCBU's the top of the list will show recently used PCBUs

    • The list now pulls PCBUs from ConstructID. If a PCBU has signed up to ConstructID, they will now be searchable and selectable

  • Add a new PCBU to the system (PC Licence)

    • If a PCBU is not in the application, they can now be looked up via their name or ABN. We'll search the ABR and provide a list of options to be selected

    • Details from ABR will be used to pre-populate information

    • Once added, they PCBU will be available in the application for searches in the future.

    • The PCBU will receive and email and can complete the SWMS

  • 108 New trade skills added!

    • A huge amount of new suggested content has been added, and with that, 108 new trade skills to choose from.

  • Made some cosmetic and wording changes to the SWMS generated PDF

  • Added the PCBUs ABN, address and project address to all SWMS summary pages

  • "Induction" has been renamed to "Registration" to avoid confusion with the general site induction process

  • Org Admins and Project Admins (for the specific project) are now able to edit a SWMS even if they've not been listed specifically as a creator

  • Changed the way names were displayed when searching. Removed some mid-name capitalisation and the confusing bolded characters

  • Fixed an bug where "Null" was displayed sometimes in the address field

  • Fixed a bug where navigation between risk and hazards and controls resulted in the screen moving to the wrong location

  • Fixed a bug on PCBU licence where the PC Point of Contact was being asked to login after the SWMS was active. The Point of contact does not need to login to view the SWMS when they follow the email link.

Written by Raj Lal

Guest User
Version 1.3 Released!

This release has a few new features and some small bug fixes. Major feature is the ability to better manage users.

  • New Project Admin User role

    • A new role has been added called "Project Admin"

    • This role allows individual users within an organisation to be given permission to view, edit, and invite PCBU's to complete SWMS under a particular project

    • The admin user management screen has been changed to show this role as well as the projects a User has access to.

  • Changed the status named 'under monitor' to the less confusing 'Active'. This has been changed in all location including the downloadable PDF

  • Changed the status named "In Progress" to "Draft". Several buttons and statuses around the platform have been updated to reflect this.

  • Added an email if a sign up occurs but the account already exists. This previously left the people waiting for verification email that would never arrive.
    The new email will provide details to access the existing account

  • Added the ability for a PCBU to lookup an ABN or Business name from ABR when adding a PC for approval.

    • Business details from ABR will be used to pre-populate information in the screen

  • There has been some copy changes for Help functionality throughout the application

  • Fixed a bug where creators could send a SWMS for approval before it’s been completed

Written by Raj Lal

Simply SWMS is live!

Today the simpliBuild team released the first version of the Simply SWMS application. The application represents a year of software development in collaboration with Safe Work NSW, Icare, Formwork Association of Australia and other key industry stakeholders.

Learn more about Simply SWMS by clicking here

Written by Raj Lal

Simply SWMSSimpli Build