Version 2.9 Released


API in creating projects: Projects API was not creating the project in the correct business unit. We have fixed this issue and now projects can be created in the allocated business unit via the API call.  


No emails were getting through when adding a new user via admin: When adding/inviting a new user to the simpliSWMS platform the email function was broken and emails were not being sent. This has now been fixed and emails are correctly being sent/delivered to the users. 


Monitor/Worker dashboard entering backspace issue: When pressing the backspace button on the monitor and worker dashboard it is deleting all the filtered searches leaving the last one. We have fixed this so that the backspace is no longer deleting any filters that may have been selected.  


Monitor dashboard unable to search for worker's project: On the worker dashboard users were not able to search projects that were linked to the worker. The search result only showed up the SWMS results. We have fixed this so that now it will show both the SWMS and project results when a user is searching in this field.  


Filter on worker page: – The user was unable to filter by revision on the worker page. This has now been fixed and users will be able to filter by all revisions for that SWMS on this page.  


PDF Download unable to download any SWMS that have a GIF file attached: With the new PDF service we have found that users who upload a GIF file to their SWMS were not able to download a PDF version of the SWMS. This has now been fixed and users are now able to download SWMS that have GIF files attached.  


Users signing up to a free account were unable to create a project: New users were locked down in the ability to create a new project. This issue has now been resolved and new users who signed up to the platform will be able to create multiple projects.  


Enterprise users missing logo: Some of the enterprise users accounts were missing their company logo in the PDF version of the SWMS. This has now been fixed.  


Unable to re-send invite to workers on SWMS that has been un-archived: Users were getting an error message when trying to resend an invite of a SWMS which was recently un-archived. This issue has now been resolved.  


Unable to filter by PCBU on the dashboard: We have fixed the ability to filter by PCBU name on the main dashboard for simpliSWMS.  


Free accounts upgrading to an enterprise account: Users who are upgrading their free account to an enterprise account were not set as organisation administrators. We have changed this so that the user who upgrades the account will now be automatically set to the organisation administrator.  


Monitor frequency field error with decimal number: When entering in a number with a decimal in the monitor frequency field the page will error out and the user is not be able to proceed to the next step. We have locked this field down to only include whole numbers that are greater than 1 day  

File upload with space and special characters: Files that are uploaded to the platform which have a space or special character in the file name caused an error for the image to be shown correctly. This has been fixed in this release and files with these characters will be renamed and the special characters removed from the file name. 

Unable to go back from assisted mode: Users who choose assisted mode to sign into their SWMS were not able to cancel or go back to the worker dashboard. We have now included a back button on the top of the page so that users are now able to go back.  


Raj Lal