Version 1.15 Released!
The development team here at SimpliBuild has a list of enhancement/feedback request from user. As you can image that list has grown quite large and there’s been a huge amount of usability improvements that we’ve really wanted to do. Well we’ve spent the last two weeks going through, prioritising and fixing a bunch of these improvements that were top on the list. Keep the feedbacks coming.
In this release:
Worker Tab enhancements Mobile: For the mobile view on the worker tab users found it confusing to all the way scroll right to press the “+” button. We have moved the “+” and also the “Current revision Status” button/fields to the left of the screen making it easy for the user to resend invite, edit worker details, deactivate ect.
Worker Tab enhancement Desktop: For the desktop, users who have a smaller screen will now notice the “+” button is a floating button so that you no longer need to scroll to the far left to see the “+” button. We also removed the initials icon to provide more space for the user on the table.
Dashboard tool tips: Feedback from users was that they didn’t know what each of the dashboard icon represented. Now there is a tool tip shown to the users when they hover their mouse over the icons on the dashboard. Thus providing a short description to the user on what each of the icons represents. We also rename the title of the icons
Open projects has been removed
Active SWMS = "SWMS that are already implemented by the PCBU. These SWMS are able to be monitored and workers are able to be invited to the SWMS for induction"
For PC review SWMS change to SWMS Awaiting Review = "SWMS that have been completed by the PCBU but are yet be reviewed and made active by the PC"
Draft SWMS change to SWMS in Draft = "SWMS that are currently in draft and are within the required by date"
PC declined SWMS = "SWMS which have been reviewed by the Principal Contractor and declined. The PCBU will need to make some changes to the SWMS. The SWMS should be revised to include the Principle Contractor’s comments and resubmitted once ready”
Overdue SWMS change to SWMS that are overdue = "SWMS that have gone past the required by date of submittal and are now overdue"
New icon introduced SWMS with Monitors overdue = " SWMS that are active, have a monitor frequency outlined and the monitoring activity is past the due date"
New icon introduced Active SWMS with Revisions in Draft = “A revision of an active SWMS has been started and is being re-drafted (e.g. due to a change in the scope of work) and is yet to be submitted to the PC for review"
Dashboard remove "test" projects data: We understand that you have test projects in your organisations and these should not be displayed in the overall statistic. Now any projects that have the work “test” will not be shown in the dashboard.
Searching PCBU starting with "OF": When search for a PCBU where the name started with “Of” the system was returning the full list of results. This has now been fixed and full results are now shown with the ABN lookup.
Monitor Page: The first cut of the monitor page where you can see all you monitor actions for a project in one page. We will be continuing to update this page with more and more enhancements to make monitoring much more simple.
Banner to advise user the SWMS is not complete now showing for PC: the “some content is still missing and will need to be added prior to review” This banner should only be visible to the creators and admin users. Banner was showing for view only users as well. This has now been fixed.
Dashboard crashing: Organisations that had over 50 projects were seeing intermittent issues with dashboard. We have fixed this issue and these users will not see the drop outs on the dashboard any more.
Written by Raj Lal