Version 1.17 Released

Improved Performance on Admin Page: For organisations with a large number of users, the admin page response time has been slow. We have now fixed this and the response time is now faster than ever. You will have the ability to manage your users without the need of waiting for the page to load.

 Monitors Tab update: Another big enhancement is to the monitor’s dashboard screen. You can now click on the tiles to filter the results making the ability to view all the monitors for all your SWMS on one page even better. You can drill down to see which actions are overdue or approaching overdue to be able to ensure it is closed out in a timely manner.

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Monitors page message for non-subscriber users: Organisations who are not subscribed to simpliSWMS will get a message advising them that in order to view this feature they are required to sign up to the platform when simpliSWMS signups open back up again. Currently, users are getting an error message with no direction.

Extension of email links expiry: Feedback from the industry is that  users require a longer time to click on the signup email which is sent to them. Currently, if the user does not click on the link within 7 days the link is expired. We have now extended the expiry, giving them more time to action the email.

Rename of the Monitor dashboard page: We have re-named the monitor dashboard page to Monitors.


  • Error in resending email for approval to POC: Fixed the issue with resending emails to POC. POC are now able to get SWMS approvals resent to them if they have lost the email.

Written by Raj Lal

Raj Lal