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Version 1.25 Released

HRCW stats on Dashboard: We have made a big update on the dashboard page. Users that have access to the dashboard will see the breakdown of how many HRCWs are used. This can also be filtered down or up by organisation/business unit/project, and or SWMS. By having these statistics, projects risks are clearly visible.

Notification for monitor action due and/or overdue: An email notification will now be sent when an SWMS monitor action is approaching and/or overdue for monitoring. The reminder email will be sent out two days before the due date, on the day, and every two days after the due date for up to ten days.


Update error message on SWMS creation: Currently while the SWMS is being created and the user is on the "Risks & Hazards" and "Controls" section the error messages are a bit vague if they haven't selected a Risk & Hazard or Control under each option. We have now updated the error message to provide instructions on how to rectify the issue.

Re-design of the summary page: We have given a fresh new look to the SWMS summary page, making it much easier to read and action events. We will continue to update this page to ensure efficiency for our users.

Duplicate an archived SWMS: We have listened to your feedback and you can now duplicate SWMS that have been archived. To be able to search/duplicate archived SWMS, you need to select archived SWMS in the filter.

Performance issues on the project page: Organisation’s with more than 700 active SWMS experience a slight delay in loading and refreshing the project. We have improved the performance of the project page, and it now loads much faster for organisations with more than 700 active SWMS.


Revision - summary page: Some of the details on the revision summary page was not updating when the user made changes to the draft SWMS. Users would need to refresh the page or go in and out of the SWMS page for the details to be updated. Now the details will be updated as soon as the change has been made.

Unable to scroll in business unit filter: When trying to select a business unit filter there was no scroll bar on the window. So if an organisation had more than four business units they were not able to select a filter beyond the fourth business unit. This has been fixed.

Archive Issues: Fixed the time it takes to archive large projects. Previously projects with more than 30 SWMS took up to 20secs to archive; now this process is done within seconds.

Removing attachments and editing a revision with attachments update 2: We fixed part of this in the last release, and now we have fixed it for all types of attachments. Previously the page would crash when updating the SWMS content. Now all the associated attachments can be removed without any issues.

Written by Raj Lal