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Version 1.24 Released

Text to voice Update 2: In case you missed the last release, you have all been asking for this. In the building and construction industry, there are a lot of workers whose primary language is not English and not able to read English. They can only be kept safe on-site if they can understand the SWMS before they commence the work. 

It has taken a lot of development, and the platform can now translate SWMS that are sent to workers in the languages below via voice. This will make it one of the (if not the only) SWMS platforms that can translate the text to voice. 

 Below in green are new languages added in this release

·       English (Australian accent) 

·       Arabic 

·       Korean 

·       Mandarin 

·       Vietnamese,

·       Spanish

·       Portuguese

·       Italian

·       Hindi

Security updates to SMS links: We have improved security on the SMS which are sent to workers.

Monitor Dashboard overdue count: The count for the overdue SWMS in the monitor dashboard and the count of overdue SWMS in the main dashboard had inconsistencies at times. We have fixed this to match the actual count of overdue SWMS.

Free PC users error on summary page: Some of the free PC users who were sent SWMS had errors when clicking on the summary page in the SWMS. This has been fixed and there are no more errors for the free PC users who are sent the SWMS.

Editing revision SWMS with attachments: At times users could not attach a new file to SWMS that already had a file attached and revision created. This has now been fixed and users are able to upload additional files to a revision of a SWMS.


Free users token expired: For the free PC users, once the SWMS was approved the link expires after a certain period of time. We have extended the expiry of the link for free users.

Assisted mode not working link broken: Fixed broken links in assisted mode on SWMS for workers.

Out of page focus when removing an attachment: When removing file attachments from a SWMS the focus would be incorrect and on the user would be directed to the last HRCW. Now when users remove files the focus of the page is left where they removed the file.

Combined feedback pages: The platform had two feedback tabs which opened two different versions of feedback and this was causing confusion. They have now been combined so that both buttons now open the same feedback tab.

Reminder email for overdue monitors: An email notification will now be sent to users when a SWMS is approaching and/or overdue for monitoring. The reminder email will get sent out two days before the due date, on the day, and every two days after the due date up to ten days.

View worker details on past revision: Now users will be able to view the worker details of a past revision of a SWMS. Simply click on the “Revision” tab and select a past revision. You will notice there is now also a worker tab for view access. This helps users easily identify who has signed into what version/revision of a SWMS.

Update formatting to PDF version of SWMS: There has been a big uplift in the presentation and layout of the SWMS PDF. Now when you download a PDF of the SWMS, you will notice a much cleaner layout.

Project Admin’s ability to invite: Project admins now can invite other users on to their project and also give them permission as project admins. To do this click on the three dots -> “Edit Project” next to the right-hand side of the project name on the project page. You will notice at the bottom of the pop-up window there is a field to search for users and give them permission.

Archive large projects: It was taking a while to archive large projects (projects with more than 25 SWMS). We have sped the process up so large projects now only take the same amount of time as a project with a few SWMS. 



Read record for workers: On the latest iPhone when the user scrolls down a little bit the HRCW record was marked as read. This is now fixed, and user needs to scroll to the end of the HRCW content to be marked as read. 

Removing attachments and editing a revision with attachments: When removing certain types of attachments, the page would crash when users update the SWMS content. Now all the associated attachments can be removed without any issues. 

SimpliSWMS logo error when clicked: At times on certain screens clicking on the the simpliSWMS logo would give an error. We have now updated the logo so that users will not get an error. 

Summary Page error: Fixed issues for principle contractor users that do not have an account on simpliSWMS and were getting an error at times when accessing the summary page.  

Kiosk mode missing data: When in kiosk mode the SWMS title and the SWMS ID was not showing up on every page of the SWMS to let the worker know which SWMS they were being inducted into. Now this information will be displayed. 

Written by Raj Lal